They’re for cutting waste and fraud in government - until you cut waste and fraud.
Ellie Burns, Arianna Dawson, Kaylen Leekley and State Council member Grace Huff attended TN 4-H Congress in Nashville.
Brett Boyd was recently recognized as the United Way’s Meigs County Volunteer of the Year. Pictured (from left) are Tiffany ...
McMinn County sophomore Marshall Goodner delivers a pitch to home plate during Monday's 4-2 win over Ooltewah in Athens.
On Sunday afternoon around 1:30 p.m., an occupant of the property located on County Road 625 in Etowah was burning cardboard ...
A farmer was plowing in a field on County Road 616 in Athens at close to 5 p.m. Saturday evening when he noticed a fire ...
The most important priority for the McMinn County Commission — by a wide margin — for the second year in a row is determining how to improve the county school ...
The McMinn County School Board will be seeking a new director of schools as Lee Parkison has announced his retirement from that position.
The McMinn County Democratic Party will hold a Reorganization Convention to elect new leaders on Saturday, March 29. The meeting will take place at McMinn County High School. Doors open ...
The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be conducting a sobriety checkpoint on Saturday, March 29, at 8:30 p.m. on Highway 305 at County Road 250 in McMinn County.
Meigs County ran its historic start to the baseball season to 10-0, but its latest win did not come easy.
There will be a McMinn County Little League umpire interest meeting 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Athens Regional Park umpire room at the softball fields. This is an open invitation ...