Košarkarji Los Angeles Lakers so v ligi NBA dobili še tretjo zaporedno tekmo, potem ko so v Crypto.com Areni s 120:108 ugnali Denver Nuggets, ki so pogrešali Nikolo Jokića in Jamala Murraya, ter se ...
Books about writers’ dogs and cats are a literary staple. Now there’s a booming subset of memoirs about writers’ relationships with less domestic creatures. (New York Times) ...
The powerful new AI model is designed to analyze intercepted communications – but experts say such systems can exacerbate biases and are prone to making mistakesIsrael’s military surveillance agency ...
Norvežana Johannes Thingnes Boe in Sturla Holm Laegreid nadaljujeta ogorčen boj za zmago v skupnem seštevku biatlonskega svetovnega pokala. Na danametrskem sprintu v Oslu je zmagal Boe in zaostanek ...
The Dodgers’ recent dominance vaulted them into a strong position, but a different team claimed the top spot.
Studies will examine how more housing can be built in two neighbourhoods at opposite ends of London - along with several other areas ...
The Queen says Charles is "very touched" by public messages after news of his cancer treatment.
Več na: https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/chelsea-fc-stamforde-bridge-expansion-stoll-b1114020.html ...
Sgt Di Maria won a High Court challenge to avoid being sacked - plunging Scotland Yard into a crisis that could see ‘rogue’ officers return ...
The star's other hits included The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face and Feel Like Makin' Love. (BBC News) ...
Actor’s 11th hour attempt to add new claim to his case before trial rejected in unanimous judgmentNoel Clarke has suffered a legal setback after the court of appeal rejected his 11th-hour bid to seek ...
Več na: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14500377/Donald-Trump-fixer-waiting-Kremlin-meeting-swift-departure.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 ...