America clearly drew a line in the sand when it unceremoniously kicked South Africa’s ambassador in America, Ebrahim Rasool, out of the country. The statement by America’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, ...
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) in the Tshwane Metro officially warned the relevant Department of Health about a possible outbreak of Staphylococcus after around 30 people were treated for it at the ...
Die Vryheidsfront Plus is verbind tot groepsregte, teen regstellende aksie en vir ‘n beter SA vir almal. Jy kan ons sterker maak om groter verskil in jou gemeenskap te maak. Sluit aan by die enigste ...
The Department of Land Reform and Rural Development today announced to the relevant parliamentary Portfolio Committee that the so-called Equitable Access to Land Bill will be launched this year. The ...
The historical disadvantage of women in South African society has still not been redressed. It is, in fact, still a case of one step forward and two steps back – despite good intentions for promoting ...
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) asked the Ekurhuleni Metro to repair potholes and secure sinkholes in Boksburg to save lives. The party conducted a survey in Boksburg and could not find a single ...
South Africa finds itself in an enormous financial crisis with insufficient economic growth and an unsustainable budget deficit. It is, however, short-sighted to think that increasing state revenue ...
Wat is die verskil tussen ‘n wyksraadslid en ‘n proposionele raadslid? Daar is twee soorte raadslede: Wyk- en Proporsionele raadslede. Alle plaaslike en metropolitaanse munisipaliteite is in wyke ...
Die Tshwane-metroraad het gister tydens ʼn raadsvergadering ʼn voorstel van die VF Plus rakende die mislukte osoonopwekking- en suiweringsfasiliteitsprojek (Ozone Generation and Dosing Facility project) ...
(Parliamentary debate: International Women’s Day) The historical disadvantage of women in South African society has still not been redressed. It is, in fact, still a ...
Die VF Plus in die Tshwane-metro het vanoggend die departement van gesondheid in die metro gewaarsku oor die uitbreek van Staphylococcus-infeksie nadat sowat 30 mense reeds by die Jack Hindon-kliniek ...