“Women’s Voices Out Loud,” an annual community event uplifting women’s stories through spoken word, visual art and musical performances, will be Saturday, March 8, International Women’s Day. The free ...
Life’s meaning. “Religious leaders will be on the Antioch College campus next Wednesday and Thursday for the Religion Committee’s annual Life’s Meaning Conference.” Ten double-parking violations. “In ...
Ed. Note: The following article involves information pertaining to alleged sex crimes that some readers may find distressing. At a hearing on Thursday, Feb. 13, former Yellow Springs physician Donald ...
CREATING SPACE: This is the first in a profile and interview series from the perspective of News columnist Iden Crockett that aims to highlight people who work in the arts in the Miami Valley, with a ...
Welcome to the Yellow Springs Community Directory, aka the ‘Redbook’, business section online. This is our 35th iteration of the mighty, tiny publication, which began as a humble 36-page, letterpress ...
Judge William Mills, whose beloved estate once stood at the center of Mills Lawn, was not the first patron of Yellow Springs. Even his father, Elisha Mills, who built up the spring resort, was not the ...
The final hurdle ahead of an upcoming deadline for a low-income housing tax credit, or LIHTC, application was cleared last week. On Wednesday, Feb. 12, the Village Board of Zoning Appeals granted ...
On February 3, 2025, Gary O. Pierson died peacefully under the care of Hospice of Dayton, with his partner of over 57 years, Mary Frost-Pierson, by his side. Born April 24, 1947, to Orwin Richard ...
Area resident Timmy Kusnierek spotted a great blue heron on Sunday, Feb. 16, when he trudged through the newly fallen inches of snow, down to the old amphitheater by the Yellow Springs Creek.
GOT A BROTHER IN BORDEAUX? Tired of reading the police report over the phone? Gift an e-edition subscription: they’ll receive a digital copy of the News in their ...
College curfew. “Bells tolling in the night do not mean fire, Antioch College officials informed local residents this week as they announced a plan to ring the college bell at 1 o’clock each night ...