Those loud, buzzing red-eyed cicadas will soon be returning to parts of New Jersey. See a map of likely locations.
New Jersey is set to have one of its noisiest summers in 17 years. There's a loud and noisy swarm of insects coming. And this ...
This spring will be filled with the sound of millions of Brood XIV cicadas. Here's what to know about 17-year cicadas and how many are in Brood XIV.
Brood 14” is expected to emerge for the first time in 17 years, especially in Atlantic, Camden and Ocean counties.
Cicadas, those loud, large but harmless insects, will soon emerge this spring after 17 years underground in Georgia. This brood, called Brood XIV, will begin their first mating season since 2008, ...
The 17-year cicadas emerge for about four to six weeks. For the Cincinnati area, this should be the last large emergence for ...
Or, the bugs will pop up in your Baltimore backyard. OK, but those 17-year cicadas — if there are any — will be part of Brood XIV. Or possibly stragglers from Brood X. The experts disagree.
Cicada Brood XIV will emerge in New Jersey and several other states this spring. Report your sightings and help map the emergence with Cicada Safari.
The next periodical cicadas are expected to arrive in Pennsylvania in 2030 (Brood II), 2033 (Brood V), 2036 (Brood VII) and ...