"Inside Out 2," the highest-grossing film of 2024 from Pixar Animation Studios, was nominated for Best Animated Feature. 20th Century Studios received two nods for Best Visual Effects across "Alien: ...
Disney Experiences Chairman Josh D'Amaro today announced several appointments for members of his executive team including a newly created role to oversee major events integration, and new heads for ...
Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese‘s Devil in the White City adaptation is now a movie that will be released in theaters through 20th Century Studios. The project has been in development since 2019 ...
A24 also made a strong showing with 14 nominations, while Searchlight Pictures picked up 10 to propel Disney's vast film stable to a total count of 15.
Emilia Pérez led the pack with 13 Oscar nominations Thursday, allowing Netflix to claim bragging rights as the year’s most-nominated distributor for a second year in a row. France’s Spanish-language ...