Calculate the frequency and/or duty cycle of an astable 555 timer.
Founded in 1961 by a group of engineers from Fairchild Semiconductor (David Allison, David James, Lionel Kattner, and Mark Weissenstern). They were one of the first companies to make integrated ...
Figure 1 555 VCO discharges timing cap C1 completely to the negative rail via a Reset pulse. The nay-sayers’ case hinged on a perceived inability of the 555 architecture to completely discharge the ...
The ESP32 series of microcontrollers is one of the go-to choices for projects where performance and connectivity are a priority, all while… In this project, we'll explore an IoT-based irrigation ...
Bourns, Inc. announced its new Model ZV50S2220452NIR1 High Surge Multilayer Varistor. Offered in a compact 2220 surface mount package, these ruggedized multilayer varistors are specifically designed ...
In the early 2000s, the idea that you could write programs on microcontrollers that did things in the physical world, like run motors or light up LEDs, was kind of new. At the time, most people ...
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