This Novena can be made at any time ... Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Your Mercy for endless ages. Amen Fifth Day "Today bring to me the souls who have separated from my ...
A special nine-day event of prayer and reflection is set to begin at The Graan. The Novena of Hope will run from March 22 to March 31. The annual event is a tradition of nine days of prayer, ...
The faithful are invited to pray for those whose lives are touched by adoption, seeking the intercession of St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bisho ...
Kent Beadle with Paradigm Futures says corn is extending gains for a 5th session still in recovery ... Wheat futures are setting back after an up day on Monday seeing profit taking and spread ...
Our prayer, verse, and meditation for the eighth day of the Novena to the Holy Ghost focus on wisdom, "the most perfect of the gifts" of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom shows that the Christian Faith ...
The "National Novena for Migrants and Immigrants" will be held over nine days, March 14-22, overlapping with the feasts of St. Patrick and St. Joseph, which are traditionally marked by Irish ...
Traditionally, people who chose radiation therapy to treat prostate cancer have had to undergo radiation 5 days per week for many weeks or even months. Now, though, healthcare professionals can ...
Within just 4 days of its release, the film managed to recover more than 70% of its budget. Let us take a look at the box office performance of the film on its 5th day. Note: Box office numbers ...
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - Nearly 2,000 students participated in the annual Fifth Grade Fun Day at Citizens Field. Fifth graders from twenty elementary schools in Alachua County took part in a fun day ...
St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day, your prayers will be answered on the ninth day. Publication must be promised. Thank you, St. Jude, for answered prayers.