Feifei: 原来这些人将在夜晚进行此次徒步行走 a night hike. 参加的人们有些走10英里,有些会走20英里。目的是为了给一个叫做 Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres 癌症救助中心募集善款。集来的善款都会给 Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres 来帮助受到癌症病魔困扰的人们。
在广西的中南部,隐匿着一个充满魅力的地方——宾阳县,一个因炮龙节而闻名遐迩的西南经济强县。在这里,历史与现代交织,传统与创新并行,共同编织出一幅幅动人的生活画卷。而宾阳县城的所在地,便是广西四大古镇之一的宾州镇,一个拥有两千多年历史的繁华之地,以其独 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
老牌的上海南京路步行街,在上周末迎来了新的玩家。TOP TOY的这家全球旗舰店一共700平方米,门口的巨型招财猫迎接着南来北往的年轻人。整个店铺的设计,看上去像一个巨大的游戏机,楼上还有互动区和咖啡区。
超六成成年人日均睡眠不足,近半数年轻人沉迷“报复性熬夜”!你是否也常安慰自己“再刷5分钟就睡”,结果睁眼已是凌晨三点?长期缺觉不仅让你哈欠连天,更会悄悄“掏空”健康——高血压、抑郁症、免疫力崩盘,甚至猝死风险飙升!今天,是时候算算你的“睡眠债”了!2 ...
在睡觉姿势上,有大约7%的成年人会趴着睡觉。这种体位也称为俯卧位。 这是最不健康的睡姿。 因为趴睡时,脊椎支撑少, 这个姿势会增加脊髓组织的压力 ,如果持续维持甚至会导致身体疼痛。尤其对于有脊椎损伤的人来说,这种睡姿堪称十分糟糕。建议选择其它的睡姿。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
China's economy has maintained strong momentum in the first two months, while a comprehensive initiative was unveiled to ...
Rob: Well, pumpkins are a symbol of a festival called Halloween and it's on the 31st October every year. Wang Fei: Halloween, ...
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer held discussions with US President Donald Trump on Sunday night regarding an "economic prosperity deal" between the two nations, local media reported.
Many users believe the price for learning English with the "attractive" and "handsome" star is reasonable. And the course is ...