Dallas-based BeauTech Power Systems and Japanese conglomerate JALUX have formed an aero-engine leasing joint venture (JV) ...
75 a month or whatever on the A320 family by 2027 or 2028. I mean, the CFM and the V are backstopping that, they have been for five years, and they will continue to do that. So it's going to be ...
AAR signed an agreement to provide Cebu Pacific Air with nacelle maintenance repair and overhaul services for the airline’s ...
BVJ Engine Holdings的业务是购买并租赁国际航空发动机公司(International Aero Engines)的V2500-A5发动机和普惠PW1100G发动机,这两款发动机分别为空客A320系列飞机和A320neo系列飞机 ... 目前,普惠和CFM国际公司都在推进各自新一代发动机的耐久性升级。积压的升级工作迫使 ...
近日,BeauTech动力系统公司与日本企业集团JALUX共同成立了一家航空发动机租赁合资公司BVJEngineHoldings,标志着全球航空发动机租赁市场迎来重要的新玩家。此次合作的核心在于两家公司分别在发动机领域和亚洲市场的专业技能相结合,计划投资1.5亿美元用于购买和租赁空客A320系列及其最新版本A320neo所需的V2500-A5和PW1100G发动机。随着航空公司对新飞机交付和发动机 ...
Consistent travel demand, route capacity growth and efficient operations are all easy to see in the metrics revealed by ...
BVJ Engine Holdings的业务是购买并租赁国际航空发动机公司(International Aero Engines)的V2500-A5发动机和普惠PW1100G发动机,这两款发动机分别为空客A320 ...
The A321 series provides an attractive combination of efficiency, capacity, and range for ultra low-cost carriers (ULCCs), which are airlines that prioritise minimising operating costs while ...
Qatar Executive is the private jet provider of one of the world's largest airlines, Qatar Airways. The company was first ...
AerCap is, by a considerable margin, the world's largest aircraft leasing company and is the largest owner of commercial aircraft in the world.
Yard cleaning is a tough job without the highest CFM leaf blowers. However, how can you find the most dependable assistant for your cleaning task in a pool of choices?