A recent ECB study reveals that many Europeans stick with cash and conventional bank accounts, exposing a divide between policy plans and real-life payment habits. Most consumers continue using cash ...
2 Auxiliary Fuel Tanks (ACTs) for over 4000 nm of range non-stop (Middle East to Europe - Europe to US East Coast – Asia to Middle East) ...
据统计,截至11月3日14时,2024桂林艺术节总曝光量已经突破21亿,大幅超越上届。 11月,中国首条民用航空子午线轮胎装配空客A320飞机在桂林两江国际机场试飞成功。该款民用航空轮胎由中国中化旗下桂林蓝宇航空轮胎发展有限公司研制,实现了国产民用航空 ...
Synopsys Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) IP provides reprogrammable NVM supporting up to 1 million bits (1Mbit) configurations in standard CMOS and BCD process technologies with no additional masks ...