Emirates is scheduled to operate 16 5th freedom flights in March as it seeks to fill up its high-capacity widebody aircraft.
One of these innovations is on the wings, with the 777X having longer wings and iconic curved wingtips. While the 777 has a wingspan of 212ft 7 in (64.8 meters), the 777X's wingspan is 235 ft 5 in (71 ...
华西证券最新研报指出,北摩高科(002985.SZ)作为我国航空制动领域的核心供应商,军品需求回暖叠加民航业务突破,基本面拐点已现。随着军用航材需求恢复、起落架业务放量及民航陆续取证签订协议,公司成长空间有望全面打开。华西证券维持“买入”评级。 **军工需求复苏,民航国产替代双轮驱动** 当前,我国航空装备产业进入规模化发展阶段,军品耗材替换周期缩短叠加民航PMA市场(零部件制造商授权)国产替代提 ...