Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world ...
With macroeconomic stabilisation taking hold, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is shifting its focus toward broader financial sector reforms, with financial inclusion as a key priority.
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has once again brought to the forefront a persistent yet underappreciated challenge in the nation’s financial system — the security of cash cycle operations.
观察者网消息,据菲律宾媒体ABS-CBN新闻3月17日报道,在菲律宾前总统杜特尔特被逮捕,并被送往荷兰海牙的国际刑事法院(ICC)受审后,大量支持杜特尔特及其家族的菲律宾民众走上街头抗议。另有报道称,杜特尔特的儿子、达沃市市长塞巴斯蒂安·杜特尔特也 ...
环球网消息,“我呼吁就逮捕前总统杜特尔特一事进行紧急调查,该问题已导致国家严重分裂”,菲律宾ABS-CBN网站17日报道称,菲律宾参议院外交关系委员会主席伊梅·马科斯当天发表了上述声明。菲律宾参议院20日将就此事进行紧急调查。伊梅强调,菲律宾的 ...
Pure Energy” Valenciano, primetime and dance queen Marian Rivera Dantes, and new generation dance champion and host of ABS CBN’s new survival reality show, “Time to Dance”, Gela Atayde.
A senior Pacific Economist has revealed that Foreign Exchange(FX) is the number one concern for Papua New Guinea in 2025.