Over time, the usage of tags will improve your ability to find news stories, blog posts, handy resources and helpful people sharing expertise on a wide variety of topics. As expected in a wholesale ...
We are pleased to present our brand-new ucanr.edu. We have reimagined our web ecosystem to help you find the latest UC research and resources quicker, easier and more intuitively.
CDFA and the UC/ANR to conduct regional pre-harvest water assessment workshops for farms subject to the Produce Safety Rule. These workshops, ...
Mobile applications continue to grow in complexity, effective memory management remains a cornerstone of system performance.
Discover the underlying motivations of pro-life individuals beyond protecting unborn life in this insightful analysis.
The Punjab Government on Friday (March 28) informed the Supreme Court that it has cleared the protesting farmers from the ...
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Recent action taken by the South-West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) to place endocrinologist Dr Joel Teelucksingh on ...
In a significant development in the case for disabled rights in India, a Public Interest Litigation (PIL), represented by Advocate S Gopakumar, was filed on Fri ...
Luxury travel, wine and hospitality brand experience specialist Emily Sharland reaches out to her peers and industry leaders around the world to find out where to go – and what to do – to ...
154 years ago today, the Royal Albert Hall opened in London and quickly became one of the world's most prestigious concert spaces. It hosts ...
A decade ago, when I hit 60, I began to see that birthday gifts were overrated, that what I needed were shared experiences. As my 70th approached, I felt motivated to do something meaningful.