According to a study from the journal Acta Psychologica, parents who have experienced their own adverse childhood experiences ...
When it comes to your child's health, do you think much about their risks of developing heart disease? Probably not, since so ...
Research from The American Psychological Association (APA) explored how heteronormative parenting is when parents do not ...
This 'silent disease' plagued these women's lives for decades. One woman lost her dream job. For another, the diagnosis came ...
I have no problem with my family — my kids and grandkids — consuming Red 3 ... They were also found to have a higher risk of ...
Unfortunately, our officers located the little boy with multiple stab wounds inside the hotel room’ said a Santa Ana police ...
Early detection is important, as severe cases can cause back pain, impact heart and lung function and affect self-esteem.
An 11-year-old child was stabbed to death by his mother at a hotel in Santa Ana on Wednesday, March 19, police said. At ...
Scoliosis, a spinal condition affecting an estimated 7 million people in the U.S., can lead to significant health issues if ...
I just got off the phone with someone asking about what we do in our Clinic and described intense struggles with ADHD, and it ...
Gardasil 9 is the HPV vaccine that prevents the most dangerous strains of the virus. Since HPV spreads through intimate ...