Alkyl Amines Chemicals slipped 1.87% to Rs 1,708.80 after the company's consolidated net profit declined 7.79% to Rs 43.76 crore in Q3 FY25 as against Rs 47.46 crore posted in Q2 FY25.
Taylor, J. Chem. Soc., 1099, 1897 (1928). Taylor and Price, ibid., 2052 (1929). Brewster, Hiron, Hughes, Ingold and Rao, Nature, 166, 179 (1950).
Alkyl Amines' third-quarter revenue grew by 15.3% YoY, reaching ₹371.2 crore compared to ₹322 crore in the same quarter last ...
Alkyl Amines Chemicals, a global supplier of aliphatic amines, specialty amines, and derivatives catering to various industries, recently reported a 74.23 per cent rise in net profit to Rs 47.46 ...