Aloof meaning in Arabic is بعيدا - Synonyms and related words for Aloof include Distant. Check out all the examples and definitions of Aloof. Similar words for Aloof are Aloofly and Aloofness; in ...
Their intelligence and self-sufficiency make them fascinating yet sometimes unpredictable companions. Aloof dogs observe before they engage, offering loyalty on their terms. Some stand watchfully ...
Bad and good. Hot and cold. Yes and no. Language is full of words that are opposite in meaning, known as antonyms. But while some are used in everyday language, others are slightly trickier to guess.
The author uses the words ‘violence’, ‘violent’ and ‘violently’ so relentlessly that one can only regret that his editor did not lend him a thesaurus or search for some synonyms on his ... They could, ...