Earlier, the same single-judge bench of Justice Amrita Sinha had also rejected the plea from human rights’ body Association for Protection of Democratic Right (APDR) to have a stall at this annual ...
The order passed by Justice Amrita Sinha on Friday said: “There may be valid reasons for the petitioner to be aggrieved by the act of the (Publishers and Booksellers) Guild. There may be legitimate ...
If you’re thinking about becoming a judge, there are several routes you can take. You’ll need a minimum of five or seven years’ post-qualification experience to become a judge. work as a full-time ...
In a dramatic legal development, a Michigan federal judge has dismissed a $400 million lawsuit against Sean "Diddy" Combs filed by Derrick Lee Cardello-Smith, a male prisoner who alleged sexual ...
Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha yesterday said the Supreme Court welcomes constructive criticisms of judgments and its judges will not fall into any trap laid by the government or the opposition.
In denying the plea by the VHP, Justice Amrita Sinha held: It is not the case that if the petitioners are not allotted any stall in the fair, then their right to business or their freedom of ...
EXCLUSIVE - The judges who serve on Judge Judy's "Tribunal Justice" were asked which court case film is the most accurate they've ever seen, and one fan favorite kept popping up over all others.