Amtrak Offering Discounted Auto Train Fares 85840 0 0 AM 74 false false 1089 true true false [--image id='1'--] Amtrak is ...
Tickets start at $39 for adults and $19.50 for children. Travelers will have to book their tickets between Tuesday, March 18 ...
Amtrak on Wednesday announced that it has redesigned its iOS and Android apps to provide more convenient access to train ...
Here's how to take the Amtrak between Worcester and Boston. Amtrak will now offer tickets between the two Massachusetts cities on the Lake Shore Limited, a train between Chicago and Boston that makes ...
People got brutally honest about the Southwest decision. This person said: "It's so interesting to watch companies purposely ...
A federally chartered company, Amtrak receives a number of federal subsidies, including direct investments and grants that ...
Amtrak has updated its mobile app to include the ability to select seats when booking tickets on trains with assigned seating ...
Amtrak’s Gulf Coast route isn’t ready for the proverbial ‘Y’all aboard’ quite yet, but signals are starting to crank up. By next month, details about a start date and fares should be ...
Amtrak has a temporary route called "the Floridian." So instead of driving to South Florida, I took a 15-hour round-trip ...