Ancient city walls unearthed in central China's Henan Province have been identified as dating back to the early Xia Dynasty ...
长城雄关:历史的凝固与新生(The Great Wall Pass)宁夏盐池,这座位于中国西北的千年古城,以其壮丽的长城遗迹与独特的塞上风光,编织出一幅跨越时空的文旅画卷。
推荐清晨6点前往椰梦长廊,朝霞将20000棵椰树染成金红色,渔民正从夜捕归来的渔船上卸下石斑鱼。若想避开人潮,西岛的百年珊瑚老屋值得探访,黎族阿婆会用古法蒸制椰子饭,柴火灶台飘出的香气比五星级酒店更诱人。地热奇观:腾冲的温泉与火山(Geotherma ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
国清寺是一个让人卸下烦忧、回归心灵的地方。这里远离尘世喧嚣,只有葱郁掩映的古朴黄墙,弥漫着花香和禅香。移步异景,满是“深山藏古寺”的清幽意境,让人情不自禁放慢脚步,屏住呼吸,在一刹那间感受到心灵的宁静与释然。Guoqing Temple is a ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
今天,校园英语小记者闪亮登场,带着满满的好奇与热情,手持 ...