Bull Palace, Baker, MT Auctioneer: Scott Weishaar Averages:87 Yearling Angus bulls avg. $8,005 Lunds B Bar Angus held their ...
At the ranch near Hitterdal, MN Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar Sales Manager: Seth Leachman Averages:55 Yearling Bulls: $6,40121 ...
English breeds have dominated the U.S. cowherd genetic base for many years, but a January 2014 online survey of 1,245 producers in the Beef Today/Farm Journal database shows more detail. Based on ...
Ryanair CEO and owner of the Gigginstown Angus Herd Michael O'Leary has said he believes current beef prices are sustainable ...
Just over 70 bulls were presented for sale on the day, made up of Angus, Hereford, Limousin and Friesians. Getting the sale ...
Darrell and Frina Kaiser are celebrating a special milestone with their 25th anniversary sale, which is set for April 3 at ...
Angus breeders are familiar with economic selection indexes and have utilized them in their selection and marketing programs. Although now commonplace, just 15 years ...
Eight talented young Australian beef producers are ready to take on all comers in the Zoetis World Angus Youth Competition in ...
The world is becoming more wealthy and as that trend continues the demand for high-quality red meat will grow. That means the Angus business has a strong future provided it remains adroit and ...
Certified Irish Angus has confirmed that a 30c/kg offseason bonus will be available for its members on eligible cattle at sites of its processing partners, ABP Food Group and Kepak. The Angus breed ...
Neogen World Angus Forum, a premier global event for the Angus beef industry, has announced ‘Angus on Ice’, one of the largest-ever Angus frozen genetics sales, featuring elite semen and embryo ...
World Angus Forum being staged in Brisbane in May will shine a light on an array of initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions...Read More ...