On March 4, 1954, the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter soared into the skies for its maiden flight, marking the debut of one of the most iconic jet fighters of the Cold War. Designed as a supersonic ...
迈凯伦品牌自 1963 年由传奇车手布鲁斯・迈凯伦创立以来,始终将 F1 赛道技术注入公路车型研发。其标志性的碳纤维单体壳车身技术,源自 1981 年 MP4 赛车的革命性设计,至今仍是旗下车型的核心竞争力。2024 年,迈凯伦车队时隔 26 年重夺 F1 总冠军,将赛道经验反哺至量产车研发,如 ArturaMCL38 特别版车型的推出,正是品牌技术转化能力的具象化体现。 二、动力革新:混合动力与 ...
Door hinge mounts are also a part of the monocoque body, and McLaren has moved away from its butterfly "dihedral" door design in favor of a Mercedes-esque top-mounted "anhedral" door. Besides ...