The U.S. military’s premier deployable and multifunctional Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives ...
A U.S. Army civilian systems administrator was recognized for supporting the U.S. Department of Defense’s premier ...
Dawn breaks over the capital of Kenya. A U.S. diplomat leaves his residence for the embassy. After a 20-minute ride, his car arrives at the gate and he enters. He sits in his office to begin the day ...
NEW DELHI: Adding to Indian Army’s CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) capabilities the force has signed a contract for the procurement of 223 Automatic Chemical Agent ...
With its deployment in field units, ACADA will significantly enhance the Indian Army’s CBRN defensive capabilities in both combat and peacetime operations. It will also play a crucial role in ...
Induction of ACADA in the field units will substantially enhance the Indian Army’s defensive CBRN capability for operations, as also during peacetime, especially for responding to disaster ...
An Army civilian activity on Redstone Arsenal tackles Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive hazards around ...