The Zero Mk2 uses magnets to transform from a flat card-shaped work of art into a hexagonal pen The pen weights less than 1 oz (28 g), comes in light and dark silver finishes, can be engraved ...
Stinson’s self-portrait, “Lick Me,” is among her favorites, and was also featured in Nia Crutcher’s exhibition, “Black Girl ...
Great entertainer that he is, the British artist doesn’t inhibit himself by pandering to his audience’s sense of their own ...
Bruce A. Austin, Professor Emeritus in RIT’s School of Communication, died on March 16. After nearly 50 years at RIT, his impact is fondly remembered.
Inspired by David Graeber’s book, ‘The Utopia of Rules’ at 72-13, Singapore asks how we might hack various systems of control ...
Henry Walton Smith opened the first shop - a newsagents week 230 years ago and this week announced the WHSmith name is ...
The tenor of current cultural and critical exchanges among South Asian and Gulf countries points to the contortions required ...
The treasure-hunting sensation known as Good Life Thrift Store in Hilliard, Ohio isn’t just changing how locals shop—it’s ...
Over the past two decades, the profusion of influencers on social media has been nothing short of overwhelming.
There’s good news on the horizon for Gavin and Stacey fans, as James Corden and Ruth Jones have a special new project in the ...
Elder Sinak Owen James, soft-voiced and infinitely generous with sustenance knowledge and cultural history, demonstrates calling a seal. A croak slides from his throat, no visible movement from his ...
Each strum of a guitar, the dancing of a bow along the strings, the pounding rhythmic beats of a drum, the strokes across a ...