If you have asthma, there’s a possibility that alcohol may bring on or worsen your symptoms, though this doesn’t happen to everyone. Alcohol consumption can have a direct effect on your asthma ...
SINGAPORE – How could what seemed like a simple cough turn into a life-or-death situation for a toddler? Isa Baobid was 22 months old in January 2021 when he had a mild but persistent cough for ...
This article will review the pathophysiology of asthma, the physiologic changes in pregnancy, the determinants of fetal oxygenation, and options for appropriate and effective medical management ...
Although detailed histopathologic studies have described the inflammatory processes present in fatal asthma, until recently the pathology of less severe forms of the disease has been less well ...
The course is also relevant for basic scientists and professionals working in industry in the field of asthma and allergy. The course has been designed in an innovative format combining asynchronous ...