All we know for certain is that cattle came from aurochs, their larger, fiercer, extinct wild ancestor. In a new study of ancient aurochs genomes published in Nature, Sinding and other researchers ...
More than a thousand cattle breeds found around the world can all be traced back to a common ancestor: the aurochs. Today, the scale of the dairy and beef industries has far-reaching consequences for ...
Known as tauros – yes, like the Pokémon – the cattle have been selectively bred in the Netherlands to resemble and behave ...
Until four hundred years ago, a wild, long-horned ancestor of cattle roamed across much of Europe. The last of these stately creatures - known as aurochs - went extinct in the 1600s. But what if ...
Scientists are close to bringing back a huge ancient cattle species called an auroch. Aurochs roamed Europe for thousands of years until the last of their kind died in the Jaktorow Forest in ...
It looks like ol' Bessie and 1.4 billion of her kin are the result of a genetic bottleneck. European researchers are claiming that the hoards of domestic cattle that exist today are descended from a ...