Dr. Kandace P. McGuire discusses how targeted axillary staging differs from traditional methods of staging in patients ...
Discover a study where patients reported symptom relief as early as one week after starting treatment, with continued ...
Malignant breast adenomyoepithelioma is somewhat invasive and may recur locally or metastasize distantly through the vascular pathway. However, reports on axillary lymph node metastasis are scarce. In ...
Methods: In total, 50 patients (48 women and 2 men) with histologically confirmed early BC were evaluated by conventional USG in B-mode followed by strain elastography (using parameters: pattern, ...
A woman in her 50s with a background of sarcoidosis and coeliac disease developed axillary web syndrome (AWS) following an axillary abscess. Initially presenting with a red, tender lesion in the right ...
Defined hypothermia as <35°C axillary which may potentially skew hypothermia rate results. Ibrahim et al. (2009) 21 Observational study with pre and post intervention audit n = 265 <30 wk ...
A 2017 study looked at the regular use of compression sleeves on the later occurrence of lymphedema in women who had axillary lymph node procedures for breast cancer. The procedures included axillary ...
Skin infections are very common occurrences throughout life. Some infections are self-limiting and resolve on their own, but many others require medical attention. Bacterial skin infections ...
Many have even asked whether or not certain daytime TV shows, like The View, could be canceled. So, is it true? Below, get a full breakdown of what’s going on and whether or not ABC’s The View ...