Despite the creatures’ regenerative abilities, scientists are no longer finding them in their natural habitat of Xochimilco, ...
Before the Spaniards conquered Mexico-Tenochtitlan in the 16th century, axolotl may not have had archeological representations as did Tláloc — god of rain in the Aztec worldview — or ...
Axolotls are able to achieve this sort of regeneration ... The story begins with the Aztec God of death and lightning, the Xolotl. As legends have it, he was a monstrous dog that guarded the ...
Legend has it the axolotl was not always an amphibian. Long before it became Mexico’s most beloved salamander and efforts to prevent its extinction flourished, it was a sneaky god.
With its goggling eyes and signature smiley face, the axolotl became Japan's favorite water creature after it was featured in a TV ad in the 1980s. At iZoo, a facility in Kawazu, Shizuoka ...
Scientists find rats’ brains ‘designed to respond well to music’ In Aztec legend, the desperate rebel god Xolotl transformed himself into an axolotl to hide and avoid being sacrificed by his ...