The dimensions of the car are 4,710mm long x 1,895mm wide x 1,370mm high. It has a wheelbase of 2,780mm. The GT-R NISMO variant is slightly shorter, with a length of 4,690mm. For this variant, to ...
Our research team assigns Bronze ratings to strategies they’re confident will outperform a relevant index, or most peers, over a market cycle on a risk-adjusted basis. It earns an Above Average ...
For a car never sold new in the U.S., the Nissan Skyline GT-R has an enviable reputation here. Enthusiasts know it as a movie and video-game star, and even as a surprisingly common matchbox car.
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IT之家3 月 2 日消息,日产已确认 GT-R R35 汽车将结束生产,已停止接受该车型的订单,并在其官网发布声明: 我们已经收到了大量关于 Nissan GT-R 的订单,在完成所有已规划的生产任务后,我们将不再接受新的订单。在此,我们由衷感谢自 2007 年车型发布以来 ...
日产GT-R跑车,这一在赛道与公路上均留下传奇身影的车型,近日正式宣告了其销售生涯的终结。经过近二十年的辉煌历程,日产公司宣布,GT-R跑车将不再接受新的订单,标志着一个时代的落幕。 自2007年第六代GT-R R35问世以来,这款车型便以其卓越的性能和独特 ...
While it’s been almost three years since the end of European GT-R sales - the PH Carbituary was penned in March 2022 - old Godzilla had soldiered on elsewhere for a good while. As recently as ...