BT bought EE from Deutsche Telekom and Orange in a £12.5bn deal in 2015. The company has since operated under two brands, with the two names now emblazoned side by side on its high street stores.
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Broadband and telecoms giant BT appears to have confirmed that their strategy of turning EE into the group’s “flagship brand for our consumer customers”, which was eventually expected to result in the ...
Firms like BT, EE, Plusnet, Sky, and Virgin Media could owe more than £114 million for delays to internet service and missed appointments. The compensation scheme covers 85 per cent of broadband ...
央视网消息:国新办3月27日举行发布会,会上商务部相关负责人介绍,近年来,商务部会同有关部门,围绕解决标准认证、市场渠道、销售回款等问题,出台了一系列政策举措,推动内外贸一体化水平稳步提高。 从企业看,去年规模以上的工业企业当中有8.7万家 ...
Potted herbs double as decor in this downtown Manhattan cooking space. “I love adding a touch of greenery and warmth to an otherwise modern kitchen,” says Jennifer Hunter, the founder of ...
Archaeologists discovered a 2,200-year-old pyramid structure in the Judean Desert near the Dead Sea that featured stones weighing hundreds of pounds each. Early returns from excavations have ...