LIFE THREATENING CONDITION - A baby girl with a simple cough lost her life after her lungs got filled with phlegm and air.
Lóa Thórsdóttir fessed up to the secret relationship, which started she was a 22-year-old counsellor at the church group the ...
This factsheet explains whooping cough (pertussis) to support nurses in identifying and managing the bacterial infection.
The DTaP vaccine protects your child against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). "This vaccine helps prevent ...
When little Swan Hill baby Matilda started to develop a bad cough, doctors at first thought it was a virus that would pass on ...
Feeding issues? It might not be the baby, but the bottle. Parents and experts report wide variations in flow rates for some ...
They were the survivors of the country’s mother and baby homes but their families say the creeping pace of the state’s ...