Some people believe you should avoid consuming milk and other dairy products when you have a cold or sore throat because they create mucus that can make symptoms worse. To date, the evidence ...
Herpes hides in the trigeminal nerves that stretch to the eyes, nose and mouth, where it commonly produces a cold sore or ...
Experts explain what they do, and don’t, recommend. Ask Well Experts explain what they do, and don’t, recommend. Credit...Joyce Lee for The New York Times Supported by By Erica Sweeney Q: I ...
One in five of us suffer with cold sores, or 'coleslaws' as spluttering children call them. They are created by herpes simplex, a virus that sits quietly in nerves around the mouth, only gracing ...
You'd think this would be bad for the virus—that activating the body's antiviral defenses would be ... The researchers have published their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of ...
The best remedies for a sore throat usually include simple home treatments such as rest, gargling with salt water, and steam or humidity. Drinking plenty of liquids is also advised. But are hot or ...
You'd think this would be bad for the virus -- that activating ... Understanding Herpes Simplex Virus-Associated Disease Cold sores are caused primarily by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), one ...
You'd think this would be bad for the virus—that activating the ... in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Cold sores are caused primarily by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1 ...
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Tests and examinations eventually revealed that Juwan had developed a cold sore, caused by the herpes simplex virus, in his eye. As his parents were negative for the virus, the doctors theorised ...