The Golden Bamboo Lemur was discovered only in 1987 and is one of the most threatened primates in Madagascar. It is patchily distributed over a small area of rain forest in south-eastern Madagascar.
Births of the greater bamboo lemur in captivity are extremely rare, and the park is the only zoological collection in the UK ...
CHILD NARRATOR: One lemur we were really happy to see was the bamboo lemur. GUIDE: So just up there - that’s one of our animals - the greater bamboo lemur. CHILDREN: That’s pretty special!
Travel videographer Mike Corey recently went on a humanitarian trip to Madagascar to save the near-extinct greater bamboo lemur. While there, he met some local kids and introduced them to Snapchat.
They split into two teams: one team ventures into the hills in search of the elusive, beautiful black-and-white ruffed lemur while the other treks deep into the dense lowland bamboo thicket on the ...