近日,康达医院骨一科团队凭借精湛的医疗技术与多学科协作,成功完成一例高难度“ 肩关节反复脱位后重度粉碎骨性Bankart损伤 ”手术,标志着该院在复杂肩关节损伤诊疗领域的专业技术,为全县骨科医疗水平树立新标杆。
SAN DIEGO — Results presented here showed patients who had significant weight loss prior to total hip arthroplasty with use of a GLP-1 receptor agonist experienced a decreased risk for ...
However, among young athletes, 90% will have an associated Bankart lesion (avulsion injury of the labrum-ligament complex), and 90% will have recurrent instability if treated nonsurgically.