近日,康达医院骨一科团队凭借精湛的医疗技术与多学科协作,成功完成一例高难度“ 肩关节反复脱位后重度粉碎骨性Bankart损伤 ”手术,标志着该院在复杂肩关节损伤诊疗领域的专业技术,为全县骨科医疗水平树立新标杆。
Orthopedic surgery is a marvelous field because we can make meaningful improvements in the comfort and function of patients ...
SAN DIEGO — Results presented here showed patients who had significant weight loss prior to total hip arthroplasty with use of a GLP-1 receptor agonist experienced a decreased risk for ...
A SLAP tear is a specific type of injury to the labrum, or labral tear, SLAP stands for superior labrum from anterior to posterior. The SLAP tear occurs at the point where one of the tendons of the ...
Matthew T. Provencher, M.D., M.B.A., CAPT MC USNR (Ret.), receives the 2025 Kappa Delta Ann Doner Vaughn Award.
"The most common procedure is a shoulder stabilisation surgery, also known as a Bankart's repair, performed arthroscopically (keyhole surgery). It is minimally-invasive, and it repairs the torn ...
However, among young athletes, 90% will have an associated Bankart lesion (avulsion injury of the labrum-ligament complex), and 90% will have recurrent instability if treated nonsurgically.
Correspondence to Ms Anju Jaggi, Shoulder & Elbow Unit, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Brockley Hill, Stanmore HA7 4LP, UK; anju.jaggi{at}rnoh.nhs.uk the surface arc or area of contact between ...
13 天
齐鲁晚报 on MSN烟台山医院北院区新开设运动医学门诊和肩痛门诊齐鲁晚报·齐鲁壹点 孙淑玉 通讯员 张国杰 邹玥 为满足群众多元化的就医需求,日前,烟台山医院在北院区新开设运动医学门诊和肩痛门诊,通过先进的诊疗理念、精准的医疗技术,为运动损伤患者以及肩关节疾病患者提供“预防—诊疗—康复”为一体的全周期医疗服务。