In a new development at CERN, researchers at the LHCb collaboration have determined the spin-parity of singly heavy charm ...
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The baryon self-energies are expressed in terms of the QCD condensates of the lowest dimension in symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter within the QCD sum-rule approach. The self-energies are shown ...
Dark energy, this still mysterious force that accelerates the expansion of the Universe, may have reversed in the distant ...
Cosmologists are using cutting-edge computational tools to uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energy, which together ...
Physicists have struggled for seven decades with the question of why there is more matter in the universe than antimatter.
UBC and TRIUMF physicists have proposed a unified explanation for dark matter and the so-called baryon asymmetry--the apparent imbalance of matter with positive baryon charge and antimatter with ...
A new study using the Dark Energy Survey (DES) final datasets suggests potential inconsistencies in the standard cosmological ...