Its high-pitched hum may catch your attention before you see it. This is the most common bee-fly species in the UK. It is widespread across England, Wales and Scotland, occurring in urban gardens and ...
Every year the Royal Entomological Society runs an insect photography competition for non-professionals. Here are some of the ...
Then there are the bee flies. As the name suggests, many species of bee fly (Bombyliidae) have fuzzy, bee-like bodies. Australia boasts around 400 species of bee fly. Bee flies feed on the nectar ...
He added: ‘The ultimate aim is to create a robot bee that can fly independently and we’re quite a long way into that project. But there are also many different opportunities for brilliant science and ...
Narrator: Bees have a very special job to do. They fly from flower to flower collecting ... Ask pupils to find Devon on a map of the UK. Can they find South Molton, the location of the beehives ...