Daily Verse Reflection Commentary on Psalm 91:9-16 (Read Psalm 91:9-16) Whatever happens, nothing shall hurt the believer; though trouble and affliction befal, it shall come, not for his hurt, but for ...
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Several people who recently visited the Capitol were surprised to find a group of Christians from different areas of Oklahoma gathered on the south plaza taking turns reading from Christianity's holy ...
Bible sales in the UK have risen sharply, increasing by 87 per cent from £2.69 million in 2019 to £5.02 million in 2024, ...
One day in March 2024, after moving in with her parents, she was browsing Amazon Prime Video for a new show to watch and came ...
For the Story Lover: The Great Adventure Catholic Bible simplifies the complexities of Scripture reading by guiding Catholics in truly understanding the narrative story of salvation history.
A post shared on X claims that 14 books were removed from the Bible in 1684. Verdict: False The “apocrypha” is still present ... (RELATED: Did Harper Collins Omit 64,575 Words In The NIV And ESV ...
Credit: NYC Wanderer (Kevin Eng) / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Bible is the biggest-selling and most read book in human history; originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, the first ...
Bible study at church, we are moving slowly but steadily through the Gospel of John. It’s a book I’ve read multiple times over the years, but as ...
Jane Walters justifies her habit of defacing her books, especially her Bibles, and encourages us to do the same!