Spiders come in all shapes and sizes, but these giant species stand out for their massive leg spans and impressive weight.
Fifteen years ago, the future looked bleak. Giant spider species once on the brink of extinction makes incredible comeback: ...
While operating the deep-sea robot nearly 7,000 feet below the surface, the machine’s camera captured a creature that ...
Hot on the heels of the news that Kevin Smith is writing a crossover between Jay and Silent Bob and Archie Comics, the writer ...
Venom/Eddie Brock could join the MCU, potentially returning in Spider-Man 4 for a big surprise. Tom Hardy is open to ...
This June, experience Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man #1, a must-have one-shot of new Marvel Universe-spanning stories from ...
A new character who it is claimed will forever change Marvel Comics will make their premiere in Giant-Size Spider-Man #1.
Kevin Smith is swinging back into the Marvel Universe. More than 25 years after the fan-favorite Clerks and Mallrats ...
The issue with Jefferson Morales/Davis's name is addressed in the comic adaptation.
"Everyone always says Giant Size X-Men this, Giant Size X-Men that," says Spider-Editor Nick Lowe of the new book. "And I'm sick of it, so we put together the best and coolest Giant-Size book ever." ...