Dangerous levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins have been detected in Santa Barbara County, and sport harvesters are ...
Invasive species are non-native species that have been introduced to an ecosystem and have established there causing ecological damage. The study of invasive species involves questions about the ...
During evolution, how adaptive walks cross fitness valleys remains unclear. This integrative study on monkeyflowers reveals that convergence in large steps (floral color and gene expression ...
The Last Interglacial interval (128 to 116 ka) is a remarkable deep-time analog for temperature and sea-level conditions as projected for 2100, that had not been documented in the equatorial Atlantic ...
为探究入侵中华圆田螺(Sinanodonta woodiana)和贻贝大型寄生虫对欧洲鳑鲏(Rhodeus amarus)寄生模式的影响,研究发现前者未被鳑鲏寄生,后者未影响鳑鲏寄生率,对理解生态和保护贻贝有重要意义。 在神秘的淡水生态系统中,寄生虫与宿主之间的关系就像一张 ...