Historic Outbreaks of Coffee Wilt Disease Linked to Gene Transfer from Another Fungus Dec. 5, 2024 — The fungus that causes coffee wilt disease repeatedly took up segments of DNA from a related ...
While filming a documentary in Northern Ireland, a team of scientists discovered a new fungus that appears to manipulate spiders’ behavior–and turn them into “zombies.” The fungus named ...
White matter and other changes around the toenails and fingernails can occur with psoriasis or nail fungus. However, fungal infections are contagious, and psoriasis is not. The causes and ...
Vaginal bleeding before puberty OR abnormal bleeding after puberty Heavy menstrual bleeding after puberty Light breakthrough bleeding or spotting in between menstrual cycles after puberty Menstrual ...
While many traditional Chinese/herbal medicine consumers are drawn to the fungus for its supposed health benefits, my interest lies in a darker side of its harvest: the deadly relationship between ...
Implantation bleeding is rust-colored, light spotting. By comparison, your period is a steady, light to heavy flow of bright to dark red blood. Implantation bleeding occurs when you’re pregnant, while ...
The first signs honey fungus might be present in your soil are a sparse crown, branch dieback, smaller than usual leaves, cracking and bleeding bark (particularly near soil level) and sometimes clumps ...