28, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Don’t worry if someone’s checking your blood pressure in a loud public place. The reading they get is apt to be just as accurate as if the test were taking place in a ...
Several key mistakes could throw off the accuracy of blood pressure readings for people who take them at home. The average "normal" blood pressure is 120/80, according to the American Heart ...
A member of the research team demonstrates taking a blood pressure reading using the oscillometric method on a smartphone. Soon, you will be able to take your blood pressure at home using only your ...
Several key mistakes could throw off the accuracy of blood pressure readings for people who take them at home. The average "normal" blood pressure is 120/80, according to the American Heart ...
NEW YORK, Jan. 27 (UPI) --The next time you take your blood pressure in a supermarket or drugstore, don't worry about noise affecting the reading much -- it doesn't. A new study found a minor ...
You don't have to go to a healthcare provider's office whenever you want to check your blood pressure. Instead, you can check your blood pressure at home. In fact, an at-home reading might be more ...
However, there are other causes for normal, elevated, or low blood pressure during a heart attack. Blood pressure readings during a heart attack can vary. Depending on the heart area affected by a ...
High blood pressure silently affects millions worldwide, often showing no symptoms until significant damage has occurred. Medical experts warn that this stealthy condition poses a grave threat to ...
Healthcare professionals measure blood pressure readings in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). A normal reading is less than 120 mm Hg systolic and 80 mm Hg diastolic, which doctors write as “less ...
Everyone with high blood pressure (typically 130/80 mmHg or higher) should monitor their blood pressure at home, as per the American Heart Association. It's essential because the tracking can help ...
So, if your average systolic blood pressure is 110 mm Hg, it would be expected to have occasional readings in the 90s or the 130s. It’s the average blood pressure that we are most concerned with.