The prevalence of intra-abdominal and urogenital injuries was 13% and 8% ... Conclusions The results do not support the routine performance of urinalysis in patients admitted with a blunt trauma ...
The death of a 62-year-old Taiping Prison inmate on Jan 17, and claims that families are being denied visitation privileges due to a "quarantine", raise questions about the safety of prisoners, writes ...
While internal hernias are rare in the paediatric population, it should be considered as a cause for an acute abdomen following blunt trauma. Internal hernias represent a surgical emergency ... She re ...
The human body is composed of over 37 trillion cells, each with a limited lifespan. These cells are continuously replaced to ...
One reason that tonsils may grow back is that one of the operations to remove them is a partial tonsillectomy. Only removing ...
They found significant blunt-force trauma on the right side of her head that suggests she might have been hit by a boat. Humpback whales are known for leaping from the water and crashing down on ...
The spleen is a high-risk organ for injury and is the most commonly injured organ in blunt abdominal trauma during traffic ...
Postmortem results reveal the brutal causes of death for Mlolongo abductees Justus Mutumwa and Martin Mwau, highlighting ...
Son of a Taiping Prison detainee who allegedly died due to an abdominal injury caused by blunt trauma, wants the authorities ...
Regeneration of organs and systems is a scientific holy grail that relies on stem cells, but due to their limited number and ...