实验以一对基因相似度高达99%的同卵双胞胎为对象,对‘高脂肪与高碳水,谁才是终极能量来源’这个老生常谈的争论进行检验。结果,绝对会让你大跌眼镜。 By the end of the 12-week experiment, both Ross and Hugo Turner, 36-year-old professional adventurers from the UK, were fitter ...
报告显示2023年全球骨外固定板市场规模达 亿元,中国骨外固定板市场规模达 亿元(人民币),结合历史趋势和发展环境等方面因素,贝哲斯咨询预测到2029年,全球骨外固定板市场规模预计将达 亿元。
大众近日于欧洲针对未来集团在电动车事业的规划进行说明,电池将计划采用钠离子技术,并从液态电解液转型为固态,同时 SSP 平台(Scalable Systems platform)亦将开始研发 Cell to ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
此前,已有不少研究对炎症与 CVD 的关联进行了探索。像全身炎症聚集指数(Aggregate index of systemic inflammation,AISI)与心脏病发作、中风之间存在正相关;系统炎症反应指数(System inflammation response index,SIRI)也和心肌梗死、中风、冠心病(Coronary heart ...
Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's ...
Standing at the height of the global automotive industry, Japanese automakers have an unshakable position in the traditional ...
前几日, 任天堂 当下火爆的产品Nintendo Switch陷入了一场专利纠纷当中:美国一家手机外设公司Gamevice以Switch的Joy-Con手柄与其公司的手机外设产品Wikipad结构过于相似为由,一纸诉状将任天堂告上了美国加州法院,要求任天堂停止生产Switch。
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