Nero Burning ROM 2025 16.0.02700 is an award-winning software with leading high-quality CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc burning and copying technology. It offers you the most advanced disc burning solution.
Nero Burning ROM is a popular disc-burning software used for creating, copying, and backing up CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. It also includes multimedia tools for editing and playback.
很多消费电子技术的初衷也许为增加便利,然而有些技术对于用户来说,可就是越帮越忙了。近日,美国《连线》杂志评出12项比较“犯傻”的技术。照相机闪光灯高居榜首,苹果电视遥控器、CD/DVD盘、电热炉、电线等东西也榜上有名。那么株洲市民心目中最“傻”的技术是什么呢?“照相机闪光灯最没用,灯一闪,眼睛全闭上了。”湖南工业大学的陈同学抱怨说,他和朋友去KTV的时候,用闪光灯,很多时候不是“瞎子”就是红眼。不 ...
Use your 2.5" / 3.5" SATA I / II / III as an additional external hard drive.This USB3.0 to SATA adapter supports up to 18TB hard drive. High speed USB 3.0 specification and backward compatible ...
Aluminum housed desktop optical drive with USB 3.0 and M-DISC support for reliable long-term storage. Archive quality M-DISC compatibility Mac and PC compatible: OS X 10.6 and later; Windows XP ...