Some lenders offer car consolidation loans. These loans allow you to combine multiple auto loans into one new loan. Here's ...
Andres Guiterrez reports 6.6% of vehicle owners with sub prime loans are at least 60 days past due on payments.
More Americans are having trouble paying down their car loans, especially those with sub prime loans. Andres Gutierrez takes ...
Paying off your auto loan early isn’t just a smart financial move—it can save you thousands in interest and help you gain ...
Car loan refinancing is when you take out a new loan for a vehicle that you’re already financing. Here's how to find out if ...
A record number of Americans are falling behind on car loans—and more than one factor is causing the trend.
A Mississauga man co-signed a car loan for a friend three years ago, according to CTV. A year after purchase, the vehicle was ...
The costs of car insurance go down as you age, as at-fault accidents and traffic violations fall off your record and you ...
In today's time, inflation is increasing so much that we have to take loans for our favorite things. Often we take loans to ...
Interest rates for used car loans are now the highest they’ve been since the early 1980s. Cox Automotive reports that the average used car loan now carries a 14.73% apr. Buyers with lower credit ...
Paying for a car loan is becoming increasingly difficult for many Americans.Missed payments have now reached a level not seen ...
New financial spreading technology has teh power to make SBA lending more efficient for lenders and loan customers alike.