td teceive someone by working only for your own advantage in the (usually illegal) activities you have planned together. Mr. Arbor squawked that the deal was a double-cross. Don't trust him anymore.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Holding a cup of coffee made by a robot powered by green electricity, strolling leisurely around Dongyu Island, where solar ...
在我国神话传说中,哪吒以莲重塑肉身的故事家喻户晓,而如今,中国科学家正以另一种方式演绎着“重塑金身”的现代传奇。近期,中国科学院物理研究所的科研团队,成功为金属材料“重塑金身”,实现了厚度仅为头发丝直径的二十万分之一的单原子层金属,为人类探索物质世界 ...
全球领先的包装企业安姆科近日宣布,其创新产品线AmFiber™ Performance Paper系列再添新成员——自立袋。这款新型纸质补充包装专为速溶咖啡和干饮产品设计,进一步丰富了安姆科AmFiber™ Performance ...
活的 3D 打印藻类在细菌纤维素上的生物打印 @Srikkanth ...
Additionally, Moutai is working to decrease the use of paper products and is exploring the application of bio-based biodegradable materials, such as PLA and PHA, in its packaging. Wang Li said that ...