Smitty," now spends time on the seas with aspiring whale watchers, or scattering the ashes of the deceased — whatever it takes to stay afloat since salmon fishing was barred in California two years ...
With salmon fishing barred off the California coast for two years, fishermen have been running historic boat tours, party ...
The WDFW said in a press release that the “Salmon Creek Hatchery steelhead program is replacing early returning winter ...
There is trouble on the horizon in the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, where poor fishing conditions triggered by global ...
Jamie O’Neill, owner of Seattle-based Dock Street Brokers, said many of California’s commercial salmon fishermen are getting out of the business, selling their permits or simply letting them expire.
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.