There are four of them now, but the Poor Clares who have prayed up a storm behind the 10-foot brick walls of their sprawling ...
The bipartisan effort would also require a tobacco retail sales permit for stores selling vapes and tobacco products.
State Sen. Bo Watson said he knew he wasn't going to get a bill removing the tax on groceries through a Tennessee Senate ...
Milwaukee Public Schools placed at least 25 school resource officers in schools Monday, fulfilling a court order related to Act 12 requirements of the district.
滙丰将于下周二至四(3月25日至27日)在港举办第二届「全球投资峰会2025」,应邀出席峰会的嘉宾来自全球政府、金融服务、学术界及行业界别,合共超过60位,包括行政长官李家超、欧洲央行前行长德拉吉(Mario ...