A new study suggests that your attachment style and how you bond with your pet can be a predictor of a major disorder.
Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter answers your pet-related questions. Also, check out pets available for adoption.
Here's the incredibly talented Double Doodle Anabel performing Taylor Swift, and you may be asking yourself what's a Double ...
As dogs invade shopping centres and cafés, have we lost all boundaries? It’s time for owners to reconsider public etiquette ...
There’s just something about a hamburger—from the way the juices from the freshly grilled meat gently dribble down your chin ...
The National Animal Welfare Trust in Watford is seeking a new home for a pair of guinea pigs named Rocket and Groot.
I’m surely not the first person to clock the number of dogs now getting free rein in spaces once reserved for homo sapiens ...
Chin, an associate professor of psychology at ... In other words, if you’re lying awake at night wondering if your dog is being distant and secretly hates you, you’re probably barking up ...
Most dogs are social by nature, but not all enjoy sharing their homes with other animals. Some breeds are naturally ...
I love being around my person and am always up for sweet pets and chin scratches! Playtime with fun cat toys sounds ...